Frequently Asked Questions About Blown-In Mulch Services

Mulch blowing is a cost-effective and fast way to have mulch installed in your garden beds, around your home, around a commercial property, schools and playgrounds. This service offers many unique benefits over mulch installed by hand, including much faster installation, reduced labor costs, a lower risk of damage to your property, a smooth and uniform appearance, and the ability to blow mulch into areas that are hard to reach otherwise. Here are some of the most commonly asked questions we hear from customers about having mulch blown in.

What is a mulch blower?

A mulch blower is a diesel-powered machine that feeds mulch toward a hose using paddles. Once the mulch reaches the hose high velocity air forces the mulch through the hose so the operator can direct it where it needs to go. This machine eliminates the need to use wheelbarrows, pitchforks, and hand spreading to install mulch around your property. The hose is hundreds of feet long and the machine remains in a parking lot, street, or driveway to avoid unnecessary damage to your lawn. With a very long hose, the mulch can be blown into hard-to-reach areas of your property such as on steep hills, fence lines, and under hedges.

How thick will mulch be applied?

We usually recommend an initial depth of 3 to 4 inches. For maintenance, mulch can be applied at a depth of 1 to 2 inches every spring. Depending on the purpose of the mulch, a deeper application may be recommended. For playgrounds, for example, 6 to 12 inches of mulch is advised to avoid injury.

How much faster is having mulch blown in?

Having mulch blown in is much faster than installing it by hand. Blower trucks deliver hundreds cubic yards of mulch per day or more with as little as 2 – 3 people. On the other hand, one person can apply just one cubic yard of mulch per hour by hand. What could take you an entire weekend could be done in just a couple of hours with a delivery of blown mulch. For large commercial properties and applications like playgrounds, shopping centers, and apartment complexes, the amount of time that can be saved is even more dramatic.

Does blowing harm plants?

Blowing mulch does not harm your plants as the technicians will exercise care near delicate plants. Still, to reduce the risk of damage, try not to install new plants within two weeks of your scheduled delivery date. You can also let your technicians know ahead of time that you have delicate or young plants so extra precautions can be taken. Instead of blowing mulch around delicate plants or young plants, technicians will hand mulch these areas.

Should I rake the mulch after it’s blown in?

No, there is definitely no need to rake the mulch once it’s installed. In fact, this is one of the benefits of having landscape mulch blown in. Blown in mulch has a smooth, uniform finish that looks sleek and professional with results you can’t achieve by hand raking. There is no need to do anything once the mulch is installed.